Carol Burrell-Jackson, MSW, Ph.D., LCSW

For over 40 years, Carol (aka Dr. Carol) has provided home-based family centered therapy to survivors of trauma, including juvenile delinquent youth and their families, and families presenting with or at risk of abuse and neglect. A graduate of Wayne State University undergraduate and MSW programs, she continued her studies at Michigan State University, where she earned a Ph.D. in Social Science. As a student of the Person of the Therapist Model, she studied the model under one of its founders, HPhD Harry Aponte for 4 years in Ann Arbor,MI. During her time at The Refuge, she has worked extensively with those who have unsuccessfully attempted to resolve their trauma through process or substance addictions and who present with varying mental health diagnoses. She has done so through a combination of psychotherapy groups in which clients’ trauma is processed, psychoeducational groups, which help clients to develop adaptive coping skills, and use of other methods of healing (e.g., Experiential Sculpting, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills, and Culture and Connection groups, humor), in addition to facilitating psychoeducational and trauma process groups for clients of color. Dr. Carol has had the privilege of providing group therapy and expressive art sessions with The Refuge’s Eating Disorder Program, The Oak House. She serves on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committees within Acadia starting in 2023, and has been a part of the DEI committee of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, since 2021. With a goal of contributing to the field, Carol has also been invested in training graduate and post-graduate mental health professionals and clinical supervisors to develop compassionate and competent helping skills in her supervision of staff and interns alike. In this role, she has overseen, mentored and/or provided field instruction for over 200 interns in the course of her career. Carol presently resides in the Ocala, FL area with her husband and their dog, near their daughter, son-in-law and 4 of their grandchildren.

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