Carrie Ann Carr, MA, LPC-S, LPC-MHSP, LCPC

Carrie Carr is a licensed professional counselor and clinical supervisor in Illinois, Tennessee, and Mississippi with over 30+ years of experience in the mental health field. She is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of the Hope Enrichment Center. In 2004, she established the Hope Enrichment Center to inspire positive change in the community and contribute to the mental health profession. Since its inception, the Hope Enrichment Center has grown from its original location in the South Suburbs of Chicago, IL to five (5) locations in IL, MS, and TN!

Carrie has presented at many professional associations and conferences around the country on EMDR Therapy, mindfulness, Ego State Therapy, Addiction, and the treatment of trauma. Carrie served on the board of directors of the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) from 2012 to 2016; one year as secretary. She is currently the secretary on the board of the Tennessee First Responder’s Foundation. She has created networking and advanced training groups for EMDR clinicians nationally and has been a certified EMDR Clinician and trainer for over 18 years.

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